Today we went to the zoo and got to enjoy the new “feed the giraffe” exhibit.  I really enjoyed it and so did Caleb.  Zeke wanted to feed them but was too scared and I ended up doing it for him.   We took my friend’s son who turns 2 years old next week, so I had the double stroller w/ he and Zeke in it and Bo and Caleb.  The day went very smoothly considering!  we are all tired though!

In the mail today we got the results of Bo’s speech evaluation.  He was tested at 3 years 7 months, and his overall age equivalent based on his auditory comprehension and expressive commuincation was 3 years 4 months, so he’s just a few months behind in those areas.   the most significant results were these:  ” Boaz’s demonstrated a reduced phonemic inventory resulting in decreased intelligibility.   A formal assessment revealed a standard score o 83, percentil rank of 12, and age equivalent of 2 years, 3 months.   His speech was clinically judged to be intelligible 75% in single word productions and 60% during connected speech.”   So basically, he’s younger in this area than Zeke’s current age, which is not surpising as Zeke speaks perfectly clear for his age, amazingly so even for his current ear infections and need for a second set of ear tubes.    is this enough of a delay for him to qualify for the preschool we want him to go to for free, I’m not sure yet, but please pray it does!!

we’re going school supply shopping tonight, Caleb goes back on August 20th!   sooo soon, and I was hoping we’d hear from the school about Bo by now but havent so I need to make some calls tomorrow about that.

About Amy

Mom to boys who were born Aug. 2001, Nov. 2004, March 2006; and devoted wife to the love of my life since Nov. 1998. Chronic worrier but devoted Christian who is trying to put her fears and faith in the One who created it all and provides for all my needs despite the daily challenges and doubts that arise. Along the way I chose to share my journey with you. Thanks for coming along for the ride! The road won't always be bright and the journey may sometimes be hard, but it can be an amazing adventure if you keep your eyes and thoughts "on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable" (Philippians 4:8).
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