you quack me up!


originally uploaded by Amy McKenzie.

that’s zeke in there if you couldnt tell. We had dress up yesterday at preschool. it was So much fun!

Bo didnt want to take this boy scout shirt off! IMG_2242

About Amy

Mom to boys who were born Aug. 2001, Nov. 2004, March 2006; and devoted wife to the love of my life since Nov. 1998. Chronic worrier but devoted Christian who is trying to put her fears and faith in the One who created it all and provides for all my needs despite the daily challenges and doubts that arise. Along the way I chose to share my journey with you. Thanks for coming along for the ride! The road won't always be bright and the journey may sometimes be hard, but it can be an amazing adventure if you keep your eyes and thoughts "on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable" (Philippians 4:8).
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