What a great evening. I

What a great evening. I came home to a plate of meatloaf and potatos waiting all warmed up (I made it yesterady so all Dean had to do was cook it when he got home from work) and to find my son all comfy and sleeping. So after cleaning up a bit, since there wasnt too much of mess, which was also a nice suprise, I filled up the tub and took a long candlelit bath. It was so relaxing. But by the time I got done and dressed for bed Caleb woke up. He must have known that I was ready for bed and that daddy was enjoying his puter time. He still is not yet asleep and it’s after 11! With any luck though this will mean he will sleep in for me tomorrow. So we all sat and watched CSI together and just enjoyed being together as a family. I love the sound of Caleb’s laugh when he and daddy are playing together, it makes me want to cry and laugh and the same time, is that possible? I love seeing my husband in every little thing my son does(now I know 10 or 20 years from now I might not so much enjoy that, but for now, it’s priceless!)

Last night I had a dream that I had a baby and didnt even know I was pregnant until I went into labor. I thought for sure as I was having the baby that it was going to be a girl, but when we checked it was a boy and we named him Ezekial. When I woke up it felt like it was so real. I’ve been wanting to start working on baby # 2 and maybe cause we’d talked about it last night it was fresh in my mind, but I think it’s still a far while off, or so Dean thinks it should be. Right now we’re too busy with work and Caleb to even consider it, even though I do often though I dont mention it much to Dean. (sorry honey!) Then today at work my co-worker was helping a woman whose sons name was Ezekial. When I heard him say the name I couldnt help but laugh, it is so odd when you have dreams like that, that seem so real. Speaking of dreams, I cant wait to be in dreamland all nestled in with my honey and probably Caleb too as Dean’s trying to get him to go to sleep by laying in our bed with him. Which really means I wont be too comfy at all but if Caleb wakes me up w/ kisses in the morning I’ll forget all about it, at least thats what happened this morning. Wonder what I’ll dream of tonight….

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